In Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh, a young woman is accused of killing her father due to a disagreement over her marriage. The incident took place on June 13, and the police have found troubling details in their investigation.
The accused, Harita, had been involved in romantic relationships with three young men, which caused tension with her father, Doraswamy. Doraswamy, a 62-year-old teacher, had saved money for Harita’s marriage and had deposited funds in her bank account along with her mother’s jewelry.
Harita gave her gold jewelry to one man named Ramesh, who pawned it for a loan of Rs. 11.40 lakh. She also gave Rs. 8 lakh to another man named Sai Krishna, and was in a relationship with a third man named Harish Reddy. This led to a conflict between Harita and her father for about a month.
In a fit of anger on June 13, Harita allegedly attacked Doraswamy with a stick, causing his death. The investigation into the case is still ongoing.