A group of students, led by the Students’ Federation of India (SFI), along with other student organizations, held a meeting in Hyderabad. They strongly condemned the police action where Group 1 exam candidates were subjected to a lathi charge (a police baton charge). The students also demanded that the Group 1 Mains exams be postponed.
The State Committees of SFI and DYFI expressed their concern, calling the police action inhumane. They emphasized that many of the candidates are already facing tough challenges, and the government should take steps to prevent such incidents from happening again.
One SFI member suggested that the State government could adopt methods similar to the UPSC exams. For example, the Mains answer booklets could include the candidates’ prelims hall ticket numbers to avoid confusion. So far, around 31,381 candidates have been selected for the Mains examination after passing the prelims exam.