Arun Kumar Jain, General Manager of South Central Railway (SCR), inaugurated the upgraded coach maintenance facility (pit line) at Secunderabad Railway station on Friday. The Secunderabad station is an important junction station on SCR located in Telangana. The pit line at the washing siding was in poor condition before the upgrade, making it difficult to maintain the trains properly.
To ensure effective and safe maintenance of passenger trains, the upgraded facility was constructed at a cost of approximately Rs. 17 crore. The facility at the washing side-II has been upgraded according to the designs by the Centre for Advanced Maintenance Technology (CAMTECH). It allows for safe examination of the trains during primary maintenance.
The upgraded facility can now accommodate around 26 coaches at once. Lighting and drainage facilities have also been provided to ensure proper maintenance. Arun Kumar Jain mentioned that this facility will ensure the highest standards for maintenance and will improve the operation of passenger trains. These enhancements will meet the expectations of rail-users for a comfortable travel experience.