The South Central Railway has announced that several trains running from Telangana will be extended to new destinations. This will bring good news to the people of Andhra Pradesh (AP) and Telangana. Starting from Monday (October 9), the Jaipur Weekly Express (919713/19714) running from Jaipur to Kachiguda will be extended to Kurnool City in AP. This extension will provide direct connectivity from Kurnool, Gadwala, Mahbubnagar, and Shadnagar to Jaipur.
In addition, the Hadapsar (Pune)-Hyderabad-Hadapsar Triweekly Express (17013/17014) will be extended to Kazipet via Bhuvanagiri and Janagama. The HS Nanded-Tandur-Parbhani Daily Express (17664/17663) will be extended to Raichur via Sedam and Yadgir. Lastly, the Karimnagar-Nizamabad-Karimnagar Daily Passenger (07894/07893) will be extended to Bodhan. These extensions aim to benefit passengers in those areas.
The extension of these trains will be inaugurated by Union Minister Kishan Reddy in a special program organized at Secunderabad station on Monday. State Ministers Mahmood Ali, Talasani Srinivas Yadav, and Legislative Assembly Deputy Speaker Padma Rao have been invited to the event. Overall, this is good news for travelers in the Telangana region as well as AP.