Kadapa MP YS Avinash Reddy is accused of murdering former MP YS Vivekananda Reddy at his home. Suneetha Narreddy, daughter of the late MP, has gone to the Supreme Court to challenge the Telangana High Court’s decision to grant Avinash Reddy anticipatory bail. The murder happened in March 2019 and the investigation was transferred to the Central Bureau of Investigation in 2020.
At a hearing before Justices Aniruddha Bose and Rajesh Bindal, Suneetha Narreddy’s lawyer said that Avinash Reddy was not cooperating with the investigation because of his mother’s illness. The lawyer argued that Avinash Reddy was the main person behind the murder and that Vivekananda Reddy was killed because he was not given protection by the High Court.
The Telangana High Court had earlier granted anticipatory bail to Avinash Reddy, saying there was no direct evidence against him. The CBI had accused Avinash Reddy only of destroying evidence, not tampering with it. Suneetha Narreddy’s lawyer said that the High Court relied on media reports and asked the Supreme Court to examine the findings. The case will be heard again on June 13.