Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao mentioned Lasya Nandita, the daughter of former Cantonment MLA T Sayanna, while paying tributes, sparking speculation about her political future.
During the condolence motion in the Assembly, CM Rao referred to Nandita, highlighting her two terms as a corporator and stating that her family was close to him. Sources say Nandita was called to the Assembly and watched the proceedings from the visitors’ gallery. She later met with the CM in his chambers.
This meeting is significant because there are several contenders for the ticket from the Cantonment constituency. With the CM’s endorsement of Sayanna’s family, Nandita has gained an advantage in securing the ticket. Additionally, Nandita’s previous experience as a corporator and the sympathy for Sayanna’s work in the constituency work in her favor.
Other leaders such as M Krishank, social worker Sri Ganesh, and Erolla Srinivas are also vying for the ticket from the constituency. Party leaders believe that the CM may decide to give the ticket to Nandita in the next election.