Delhi minister Saurabh Bharadwaj criticized the renaming of the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, calling it “very shameful” and a result of “petty politics”. The museum has now been renamed as the Prime Ministers’ Museum and Library Society since August 14. Bharadwaj expressed his disapproval, stating that it goes against Hindu and Indian culture to disrespect someone after their death. He emphasized Jawaharlal Nehru’s contributions as the country’s first prime minister and a freedom fighter.
The vice chairman of the Prime Ministers’ Museum and Library’s executive council announced the name change on social media, stating that it aligns with the society’s aim to democratize and diversify its scope. This decision, made in mid-June, received criticism from the Congress party. The Teen Murti Bhavan, which was Nehru’s official residence, has been a significant part of the museum.