Delhi is currently facing a high number of dengue cases as floodwaters recede from low-lying areas. This year, Delhi has recorded the highest number of dengue cases in the past five years, with 187 cases reported as of July 22. In response to the increasing cases, Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj has announced that the government will launch a dengue awareness campaign in schools and among the general public.
Hospitals in Delhi will now be prepared to handle the growing number of dengue cases, with discussions already taking place with the Commissioner of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi. In the first three weeks of July, 65 dengue cases were registered, compared to 40 in June and 23 in May. The recent flood-like conditions in the capital pose a risk for a dengue outbreak.
Dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus, which is transmitted through mosquito bites, particularly from the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The virus is classified into four serotypes, and genome sequencing of positive samples this year revealed that the strain in most cases is type 2, which is a dangerous strain.
To address this situation, the Delhi government has increased fines for finding mosquito breeding sites and larvae. Households with mosquito larvae will face a fine of 1000 rupees, while businesses will be fined 5000 rupees. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has instructed schools to implement preventive measures such as wearing long-sleeved clothing and full pants.
Children have also been involved in raising awareness and inspecting their homes for stagnant water. The ‘Dengue Homework Card’ has been distributed to students and is now required in all Delhi schools. ASHA workers, Delhi Metro Rail network, and Delhi Police have also been enlisted to join the campaign against dengue.
The Delhi government advises citizens to avoid self-medication in cases of fever. Dengue sufferers should not take blood-thinning medications like aspirin, disprin, and ibuprofen. If a high fever with shivering occurs repeatedly, it is important to seek medical attention promptly.