Mahabubnagar: Former Zilla Parishad Chairperson and Congress Party Gadwal Constituency In-Charge, Sarithamma, recently took part in Sankranti celebrations by inaugurating cricket tournaments. The events were held in Elkuru and Palvai villages of Maldakal mandal.
During the gathering, Sarithamma spoke about the importance of young people excelling in both academics and sports. She encouraged rural youth to showcase their talents and aim for success, not just locally but on a national level. “Strive to bring recognition to the Gadwal region by achieving excellence in sports,” she urged.
She also highlighted the value of sportsmanship, reminding participants that both winning and losing are part of the game. “Don’t get discouraged by defeat or overly proud of victory,” she advised, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a positive attitude in all endeavors.