Telangana folk singer Vimalakka paid her last respects to the late singer Sai Chand and shared her memories with the media. She expressed deep sorrow over his untimely demise and recalled their collaboration during the Malidasha Telangana movement. Vimalakka also mentioned an incident in 2010 when Sai Chand had a heart stroke during a meeting in Khammam but was saved by doctors. She lamented that he passed away before fulfilling his potential as a great leader.
Telangana Health Minister, T Harish Rao, visited Care Hospital in Banjara Hills to pay his respects to Sai Chand. He fell ill at his farmhouse in Karukonda and was rushed to a nearby private hospital. Despite efforts to save him, he passed away at Care Hospitals in Hyderabad.
Sai Chand was a noted singer, Telangana Warehousing Corporation Chairman, and a student leader of the second Telangana state movement. He suffered a severe heart attack at his farmhouse and could not survive despite medical treatment. Condolences are pouring in from the BRS leadership, including CM KCR.