Sachin Pilot, a leader of the Congress party, spoke at a ceremony in Jaipur on Sunday. He said that the trust of the people is his most important asset and he will fight for their justice and demands. Pilot has been criticizing the government in Rajasthan for not taking action on corruption charges against the previous BJP government.
Pilot also demanded that the Rajasthan Public Service Commission be disbanded and reconstituted, and that compensation be given to those affected by government job exam paper leaks. He spoke at the unveiling of a statue of his father and former Union minister Rajesh Pilot on his death anniversary at the Gurjar hostel in Jaipur.
Pilot said his father never compromised on his ideals and self-respect and left a lasting impact with his working style. He added that even though politicians may have different ideologies, they should have a clear collective purpose. He urged people to speak fearlessly and support truth and honesty, which is needed in the country today.