Andhra Pradesh Minister Botsa Satyanarayana made comments about the education system in Telangana, which upset the Minister for Education, Sabita Indra Reddy. She criticized Botsa for belittling Telangana and demanded him to take back his remarks. She stated that he doesn’t understand the high standard of education in Telangana.
Sabita challenged Botsa to have a discussion about the education systems in both states and compare their achievements. She highlighted the success of Telangana students in IIT, engineering, and medical fields as evidence of the strong education system. She questioned why Botsa failed to acknowledge these results.
Sabita also mentioned that Telangana government spends around INR 1.20 lakhs per student in Gurukul schools annually, while asking Andhra Pradesh government about their spending. She further questioned why the number of students in government schools in Andhra Pradesh decreased by one lakh while Telangana saw an increase of two lakh students.
She criticized Andhra Pradesh leaders for their lack of knowledge about developments in Telangana and urged them to speak after understanding the realities. She emphasized the desire for both states’ people to prosper.
Sabita concluded by stating that the education system in Telangana has improved significantly under the leadership of KCR. She assured transparency in the investigation of irregularities in the Telangana State Public Service Commission through the State Investigation Team.