The Agriculture Minister of Telangana, S Niranjan Reddy, inaugurated a 10,000 MT godown at Chalaparthi village in Warangal district on Friday. The Minister for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development, Errabelli Dayakar Rao, Narsampet MLA Peddi Sudarshan Reddy, and Warangal district collector P Pravinya were also present. During the inauguration, the Agriculture Minister said that Telangana gives high priority to agriculture, and the government has spent Rs 4.50 lakh crore on the agriculture sector in the last nine years.
The Agriculture Minister also mentioned the popular schemes Rythu Bandhu and Rythu Bima that have distributed Rs 65,000 crore and Rs 5,000 crore respectively. He also talked about spending Rs 1.59 lakh crore on irrigation facilities in the state. The government aims to increase godown capacity to one crore tonnes in the future and promote farm mechanization.
The Minister for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development claimed credit for providing compensation of Rs 10,000 per acre to farmers who lost their crops due to untimely rains and hailstorms. He also said that Rs 40 crore was sanctioned for rain-affected farmers in Narsampet constituency, which has adequate godown space for local farmers. The government also allocated Rs 70 crore for road infrastructure in Narsampet constituency.
In another programme, the ministers launched the distribution of compensation to farmers who lost their crops due to untimely rains and hailstorms in March. According to officials, over 60,000 acres of crops were damaged in Warangal district and the government had released Rs 61 crore. Warangal district collector P Pravinya and Telangana Warehouse Corporation chairman Saichand were also present.