In the upcoming elections in the Maheshwaram constituency, there will be a three-way competition between the BRS, BJP, and Congress. The local factor will be important as most candidates are locals, with the exception of Minister P Sabita Indra Reddy.
Sabita has been a Congress stronghold, winning in 2009 and 2018. In 2014, Teegala Krishna Reddy won on a Telugu Desam ticket. Sabita later joined the BRS and has focused on the segment.
While the BRS has already chosen Sabita as their candidate, the Congress and BJP are still deciding. The constituency has over four lakh voters, but the impact of minority votes may be limited to the Jalpally area.
The Maheshwaram constituency encompasses rural, semi-urban, and urban areas in Ranga Reddy district. It has seen changes due to real estate development and is home to software companies, Pharma City, Fab City, Amazon Data Centre, and other organizations.
The constituency includes municipal areas like Tukkuguda, Jalpally, Meerpet, Badangpet, rural areas like Kandukur, and two GHMC divisions. Sabita’s development work as a minister and her family-run trust have been key factors in her campaign. However, the challenge lies in managing unhappy leaders in the segment, particularly Teegala Krishna Reddy.
Teegala Krishna Reddy has openly opposed Sabita’s candidature in the past but seems to have toned down his opposition after she was given the ticket. Other BRS leaders like Kotha Manohar Reddy and Badangpet mayor P Narasimha Reddy have joined the Congress. Depa Bhaskar Reddy’s close association with PCC chief A Revanth Reddy also works in his favor.
The BJP also has a strong presence in the constituency and has several aspirants. Andela Sriramulu Yadav and T Veerender Goud are among the front runners for the BJP ticket, along with Saroornagar corporator Akula Srivani.
Overall, a triangular contest is expected between the BRS, BJP, and Congress in this constituency. The local factor will play a crucial role, as most candidates are locals.