A case has been filed against BRS MP candidate RS Praveen Kumar in the Nagar Kurnool parliamentary constituency. Similarly, police have also registered a case against BJP MP candidate Potuganti Bharat Prasad for spreading false information on social media. Members of BRS social media wing and the SWAERO team were involved in spreading false propaganda against Bharat Prasad on social media.
The false information included fake paper advertisements claiming that Bharat Prasad was sold for 250 crores, which quickly spread across social media platforms. In response, Bharat Prasad filed a complaint at the Nagarkarnool police station. After investigating the matter, the police registered a case against all six individuals involved. Nagar Kurnool DSP Burri Srinivas mentioned that RS Praveen Kumar and TRS social media Incharge Abhilash Rao have also filed a case against SWAERO team members.
Overall, the incident highlights the impact of misinformation on social media and the legal actions being taken to address such false propaganda. It is crucial for individuals and organizations to verify information before sharing it online to prevent the spread of misleading content.