In Amaravati, something unexpected happened in the Andhra Pradesh Assembly. Raghurama Krishna Raju greeted YSR Congress Party president YS Jagan Mohan Reddy warmly when he saw him. Raju placed his hand on Jagan’s shoulder and said, “Come to the Assembly every day. How can we function without an opposition?”
Jagan responded with a smile, saying, “I will come regularly. You will see.” The two continued their friendly chat in the Assembly hall, with Raju keeping his hand on Jagan’s shoulder.
Raghurama Krishna Raju then walked over to Payyavula Keshav and asked for a seat next to YS Jagan. Keshav, laughing, assured him, “Certainly,” as they moved through the lobbies.
The light-hearted atmosphere continued as YSRCP MLAs and MLCs also greeted Raghurama Krishna Raju in the Assembly.