The Election Commission of India has announced the second summary revision for the year 2022-23. The draft voter list for 15 constituencies in Hyderabad was published on August 21, 2023. The Hyderabad District Election Officer, GHMC Commissioner Ronald Rose, informed voters to check their vote on the websites or
Ronald Rose also mentioned that if a voter’s name is not on the list or if there are any errors in their name or address, they can make changes through the websites until September 19, 2023. Instead of waiting until the last date, voters can check the Election Commission’s website or the voter helpline app for changes and additions as soon as possible.
There are different forms available for different purposes:
– Form 6: For all persons above 18 years as of October 1, 2023, who are not yet on the electoral roll. Also for those who have voter identity cards but their names are not in the current voter list.
– Form 6B: To link Aadhaar with the voter list.
– Form 7: For objections on the addition of new voters and for deletion of names in the voter list.
– Form 8: For any errors in the name or other details in the voter list, for family members not in the same polling station but in different polling booths in the same constituency, for incorrect or irregular photos, to upload a mobile number in the voter list, and for names wrongly entered in the voter list in another constituency.
To make changes and additions to the voter list, voters can download the voter helpline app from the ECI website and contact the voter helpline number 1950 for complete details.