Two siblings, Sumit Reddy and Pujitha Reddy, were killed in a bike accident on Friday. They were riding on the outer ring road between Karunapuram and Rampur when their bike crashed into a truck from behind. The siblings were from Nagaram village in Hasanparthy mandal. They died at the scene of the accident. The police took their bodies to MGM mortuary for postmortem. An investigation is ongoing, and a case has been registered.
In another incident on Friday, a tractor driver named Ajmera Keema died in an accident in Lingapuram village. He was ploughing an agricultural field in Chennaraopet mandal when his tractor accidentally fell into a well. Keema drowned in the well along with the submerged tractor. The police are trying to retrieve his body and the tractor from the well. An investigation is ongoing, and a case has been registered.