Congress Parkal candidate and former MLA Revuri Prakash Reddy campaigned in Nadikuda mandal of Parkal constituency on Friday. He expressed concern about the illegal activities of BRS leaders and accused them of focusing on amassing assets instead of resolving the issues faced by the people. He specifically mentioned sitting BRS MLA Challa Dharma Reddy, stating that he is more interested in expanding his businesses. Revuri emphasized that people no longer trust the BRS leaders who have been exploiting the state’s resources.
Revuri asserted that the Congress is the only alternative to the BRS and that the lives of the poor will improve with the Congress. He highlighted the ‘Six Guarantees’ – Mahalakshmi, Rythu Bharosa, Gruha Jyothi, Indiramma Houses, Yuva Vikasam, and Cheyutha – promised by the Congress.
Parkal constituency in-charge Engala Venkatram Reddy urged the people to vote for Revuri, describing him as honest and competent. He also urged party members to communicate with the people and explain the importance of holding the ‘corrupt’ BRS accountable. Senior Congress leaders Dommati Sambaiah and Gannoji Srinivasa Chary were also present during the campaign.