The Sri Seetha Rama Chandra Swamy Devastanam in Bhadrachalam is currently celebrating Brahmotsavams, which began on April 9, the Telugu New Year Day Ugadi. The festivities will end on April 23 with the Chakra Snanam. The celestial wedding of the deities will take place on April 17, followed by the coronation ceremony at Mithila Stadium the next day. Executive Officer L Rama Devi, along with Arachakas, has invited the Chief Minister, Ministers, and Governor to attend the events.
District Collector Dr Priyanka Ala conducted a review meeting to discuss the arrangements for the celebrations. She urged all departments to work together to provide amenities and services to the many devotees visiting the town. She emphasized the need for drinking water facilities due to the hot summer weather and encouraged NGOs and the public to volunteer their services for the devotees.