Collector Jitesh V Patil has instructed officials to complete repair work at Amma Adarsh schools in the district. A meeting was held at the IDOC office meeting hall with various departments such as Irrigation, Panchayat Raj, R&B, DRDO Vidyachandana, Municipal, PSEWDIC, and EE through video conference.
During the meeting, the Collector emphasized the importance of providing clean water to students to prevent diseases during the rainy season. He instructed that Mission Bhagiratha water should be installed in school premises or classrooms, along with a sediment filter. Additionally, officials were directed to set up steel wash basins for children to wash their hands and plates after meals, as well as establish pits for collecting used water.
In terms of electrical work, the Collector requested that wiring, tube lights, and fans be fixed while concealing all wiring. Regarding toilets, he advised against using tiles inside the room and instead recommended concrete flooring painted with red oxide to reduce costs and prevent slipping. If toilet roofs are leaking, he suggested removing them and fixing GI sheets to prevent rainwater from entering.
As part of environmental protection efforts, the Collector proposed planting drumstick, chinta, curry leaves, tall trees like amla and plantain in every school. For children’s enjoyment, jasmine, mandara, Kanakambaram Nandivardhanam, and rose plants could be grown. Health purposes could be served by establishing Tulsi, insulin plant, ranapala, soil amaranth, and tippetiga plants. The Collector urged all school teachers to participate in planting these trees to set a good example for students.
The video conference included participation from various officials such as Panchayat Raj EE Srinivas, R&B EE Venkateswarlu, Education Department Officer Venkateswarachari, R&BDE Nageswara Rao, Municipal DE Ravikumar, Tribal Welfare DE, Mepma PD Rajesh, DPM Sirp Nagajyoti, Ranga Rao, MPDOs, MEOs, DEs, AEs, APMs, and others from all mandals.