Revanth Reddy, President of the Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC), faced an awkward situation at the party head office, Gandhi Bhavan. Supporters of former minister Nagam Janardhan Reddy, who is aspiring for a ticket in Nagarkurnool, surrounded Revanth Reddy and demanded a ticket for their leader.
Revanth Reddy had attended some meetings at Gandhi Bhavan on Tuesday and was leaving one of the meetings when Janardhan Reddy’s supporters tried to stop him and chanted slogans demanding a ticket for their leader. Janardhan Reddy has been requesting a ticket to contest in the Nagarkurnool Assembly constituency.
However, it seems that the party leadership has different plans and has not given any assurance to Janardhan Reddy so far. The frustrated supporters expressed their anger by chanting slogans against the party leadership in front of Revanth Reddy at Gandhi Bhavan.