The security of Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy in Hyderabad has undergone a major overhaul on Wednesday. This decision was made based on advice from the intelligence wing. All the security personnel who were previously assigned to the CM will be replaced.
The reason behind this change is that it was discovered that many of the current security team members were deployed during the time when K Chandrasekhar Rao was the chief minister. This has raised concerns about leaked inside information. Additionally, the political landscape is rapidly changing due to the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, which makes it necessary to update the security personnel.
The new security men have received advanced training in technology usage. In addition, the intelligence wing has introduced a new fleet of black Land Cruiser vehicles with advanced security features for the Chief Minister. These vehicles were purchased during the previous regime and were stored in Vijayawada. Some of them have now been upgraded with extra security features, including bulletproofing and jammers.
The intelligence wing recently conducted a review of the CM’s security and made several decisions following his return from Davos.