Hyderabad’s Chief Minister, A Revanth Reddy, has suggested that South Central Railway General Manager, Arun Kumar Jain, prepare plans for the development of the Vikarabad-Krishna railway line. The railway official recently met with CM Revanth Reddy at the secretariat to discuss the development of pending railway lines and the establishment of new ones in the state.
During their meeting, Revanth Reddy enquired about the progress of the Vikarabad-Krishna railway line, which had been proposed earlier. The Chief Minister urged Arun Kumar Jain to prioritize the completion of this neglected railway line, emphasizing that it would greatly contribute to the growth of the surrounding areas. Additionally, completing the railway line would attract new industries to the nearby areas.
In conclusion, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has highlighted the importance of completing the Vikarabad-Krishna railway line for the overall development and economic growth of the region.