Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy visited Tirumala on May 22 to work closely with the new government in Andhra Pradesh for the development of both states. He stressed the importance of collaboration between the two state governments for the welfare of the people.
Revanth highlighted the need for timely rainfall and the end of drought conditions. He also announced plans to build an inn and Kalyana Mandapam in Tirumala for devotees from Telangana to improve their pilgrimage experience.
During his visit to Tirumala, Revanth participated in his grandson’s hair cutting ceremony on the sacred hill. He received a warm welcome from temple authorities, blessings from Vedic scholars, and honors from Srivari.
The Chief Minister reiterated his commitment to providing necessary amenities for Telangana devotees at Tirumala. He promised to work with the new Andhra Pradesh government to establish facilities like a marriage hall and dormitory to enhance visitor convenience and promote green practices in the region.