Revanth Reddy will be the new Chief Minister of Telangana and will take oath on Thursday. The Telangana PCC has sent invitations to AICC leaders, Chief Ministers, former Chief Ministers, and leaders from different parties. Invitations were also sent to AP Chief Minister Jagan, former CMs Chandrababu and KCR.
Invitations were received by Ashok Gehlot, Digvijay Singh, Veerappa Moily, Chidambaram, Siddaramaiah, DK Shivakumar, Vayalar Ravi, Sushil Kumar Shinde, and other senior leaders. The families of martyrs were also invited.
TJS President Prof. Kodandaram, Prof. Nageshwar Rao, Prof. Haragopal, Kanche Ilaiya, and others were also invited. Many celebrities were also invited.