Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy and Deputy CM Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka are traveling together to Delhi. They are taking a special flight from Hyderabad at 12 noon to meet Prime Minister Modi. This will be the first time Revanth meets Modi as CM.
During the meeting, Revanth will request the Prime Minister to release funds and dues owed by the Centre to the State. He will also ask for national status to be given to certain projects. Modi will have the opportunity to address any irregularities that occurred during the previous government. Given the political rivalry between BJP and Congress, it will be interesting to see how Modi responds to Revanth’s requests.
In addition to meeting with the Prime Minister, CM Revanth and Dy CM Bhatti will also meet with the Congress High Command. They will discuss the political situation in the state, as well as upcoming parliamentary and MLC elections, and cabinet expansion, with party leaders.