Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has accused BRS leaders KTR and Harish Rao of spreading false information about Krishna projects. He stated this during a media briefing at his secretariat on Sunday. According to him, the AP Bifurcation Act clearly states the management of Krishna and Godavari projects. He believes that the BRS leaders are trying to confuse people for their own benefit.
Revanth Reddy also mentioned that there are conspiracies to shift the blame for BRS’s mistakes onto the Congress party. He reminded the public that these elements were included in the Partition Act when KCR was an MP, and the law was framed based on KCR’s suggestion. The Chief Minister holds KCR responsible if the Partition Act causes any harm to the state.
Furthermore, Revanth Reddy stated that the previous BRS government had agreed to hand over the Krishna and Godavari river projects to the central government. He explained that Sections 84 to 89 of the Reorganisation Act outline the procedures for this. According to him, the process of handing over the projects to the Center began in 2014, with KCR, who was an MP at the time, supporting him.
In a tweet, Revanth Reddy criticized KCR for not speaking out when Jagan Mohan Reddy sent his police to Nagarjuna Sagar to take water from Telangana. He accused KCR of agreeing to hand over the projects to KRMB (Krishna River Management Board) and blaming them for it.