Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy and Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka are going to Delhi to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday at 4 pm. They will discuss the current financial crisis in Telangana and ask for the Centre’s help with developmental and welfare programs. They will also talk about the delay in receiving Central funds and permission for institutional loans.
The meeting is important because of the recent release of white papers on Telangana’s economy and the state DISCOMS’ financial struggles. Revanth will also inform the Prime Minister about his government’s priorities and ask for support in implementing the Congress’ six guarantees, which require Rs 1 lakh crore over five years.
Other topics likely to be discussed include the division of assets between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, Centre’s assistance to backward districts, and the release of funds under the AP Reorganization Act. Revanth will also meet with top AICC leaders, including Rahul Gandhi, to discuss filling nominated posts before the Lok Sabha elections. The expansion of the Cabinet will also be discussed with the Congress high command, with plans to induct six more ministers in early January.