The Congress government in Telangana is considering expanding its Cabinet before the Lok Sabha elections. Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy, along with Deputy CM Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka and Legislative Affairs Minister D Sridhar Babu, traveled to Delhi for a two-day visit to meet with AICC leaders and discuss finalizing candidates for the upcoming elections.
Sources within the party suggest that the Congress will prioritize ‘social justice’ when selecting candidates for the Lok Sabha elections. Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, who also serves as the PCC President, is working with the party high command to determine the best candidates for each constituency.
During their meeting in Delhi, Revanth will address the political situation in Telangana and review survey reports on the party’s chances of success in each constituency. With a large number of aspirants seeking tickets, the party is also considering social engineering in its candidate selection process.
There is a focus on ensuring representation from communities like BC, Velama, Kamma, and Kapu, which were underrepresented in previous elections. Revanth Reddy is actively engaging with senior Kapu leaders to join the party before the Lok Sabha polls, with former GHMC mayor Bonthu Rammohan being a strong candidate for the Secunderabad seat.
In addition to candidate selection, the Chief Minister’s delegation will also meet Union Ministers Nirmala Seetharaman and Nitin Gadkari to request funds for ongoing schemes in the state.