BJP National vice-president DK Aruna has been accused by Chief Minister Revanth Reddy of obstructing the Narayanpet Lift Irrigation project. This project is meant to provide irrigation to drought-affected areas in Kodangal, Narayanpet, and Makthal Assembly constituencies.
During a Congress party meeting in Kodangal, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy claimed that DK Aruna, while holding a high position in the BJP, failed to secure funds from the Centre for the development of Mahabubnagar district. He criticized DK Aruna for not contributing to the district’s progress despite her past as a minister in Andhra Pradesh.
Revanth Reddy urged the people of Palamuru district to support him in bringing about development that has been lacking for 70 years. He promised to work towards the district’s growth for the next hundred years. The Chief Minister also reassured that an agriculture loan waiver of Rs. 2 lakh would be implemented by August 15.
Furthermore, Revanth Reddy criticized the previous government for neglecting Palamuru district’s development and failing to complete any irrigation projects in the span of 10 years.