The TS SSC advanced supplementary results 2024 were announced by the Directorate of Government Examinations, Telangana on Friday. Out of 51,272 registered candidates, 46,731 attended the exam. A total of 34,126 candidates passed, resulting in a pass rate of 73.03%. Nirmal district achieved a 100% pass rate, while Vikarabad had the lowest pass rate at 42.14%. The results can be viewed on the website.
Candidates interested in recounting or re-verification of their results must submit an application form. This form should include a photocopy of the hall ticket and a copy of the computerised printed memo, both signed by the headmaster of their school. The application should be uploaded online by the headmaster through the website Applications sent by post will not be accepted. The application format is available on the website and can also be obtained from district educational officers. Candidates must pay Rs 1000 per subject through an individual challan, and payments will be accepted until July 8.
A senior officer from the Education Department emphasized that only applications submitted to the DEO’s office will be considered. Candidates are encouraged to follow the guidelines and deadlines provided to ensure their requests are processed promptly.