Residents of Kishanbagh, Bahadurpura, and other areas in Hyderabad are worried about the upcoming monsoon season because they have experienced flooding every year. Despite efforts by the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation to prevent flooding, nalas and drain systems still overflow every year. This leads to damage to houses, household items, and vehicles. The low-lying areas are the worst affected, and residents wonder where the money spent by GHMC has gone.
Mohammed Ahmed, a social activist, says that areas in Charminar and Bahadurpura circles, including Kishanbagh, Nawab Sahab Kunta, Mecca Colony, Teelgalkunta, Tadban, Hassan Nagar, Kalapather, Shastripuram, and surrounding areas get flooded every year during the monsoon season. Despite claims by GHMC, there has been no improvement in the situation.
Residents of Kishanbagh complain that their area has been facing the problem of inundation for over a decade due to bad planning by GHMC. SQ Masood, a resident of Mecca Colony, says that GHMC spent Rs 1.5 crore on widening nalas and constructing a box drain to counter rains but the problem persists.
The situation remains the same in Tadban, Kalapather, and NS Kunta due to the absence of a proper drain system. Authorities sanctioned works after the 2020 floods but they are not complete yet. With monsoon just a month away, residents are worried about the problems and losses they may have to suffer.