Residents of Chanda Nagar in Hyderabad are facing difficulties due to the neglect of HMWSSB officials. Two years ago, pipelines were laid in the area, causing roads to be dug up. However, after the work was completed, the roads were left unrepaired and the remaining pipelines were not removed. This has made it challenging for locals to commute, as the damaged lanes are filled with potholes.
The excavation of the Chanda Nagar road occurred two years ago along the Manjeera pipeline road. This five-kilometer stretch, starting near the Hafeezpet flyover and ending near the RC Puram police station in Lingampally, remains in a state of disrepair. The negligence of officials has created difficulties for pedestrians and drivers, as the damaged roads and leftover pipelines pose hazards.
Local residents have expressed frustration over the lack of action taken by officials despite their complaints. The poor condition of the road worsens during the monsoon season, with accidents becoming more frequent. GHMC officials have mentioned that the responsibility for repairing the road falls on the Hyderabad Water Board, but residents are urging for immediate action to restore the road before more accidents occur.