Pankaj Udhas, a popular ghazal singer, passed away at the age of 72 due to pancreatic cancer. In the 1980s, he rose to fame alongside other ghazal singers like Ghulam Ali and Jagjit Singh. His song “Chitthi Aayi Hai” from the film ‘Naam’ became a chartbuster and remains popular even today.
Udhas started his career in the 1970s with songs in films like ‘Munne Ki Amma Ye To Bata’ and ‘Kaamana’, but it was in the 1980s that he gained widespread recognition. He also ventured into acting and was well-received for his performances.
During the 1990s, Udhas found success in Bollywood films like ‘Ghayal’, ‘Saajan’, and ‘Yeh Dillagi’, where his soulful voice resonated with audiences. He released over 50 albums and became a household name with his songs about love, alcohol, and intoxication.
Despite being replaced by newer singers in the new millennium, Udhas remained a favorite among fans of film and ghazal music. His unique style and soothing voice captivated listeners for over two decades before the rise of EDM in Hindi film music.