The Khairatabad Ganesh idol procession in Hyderabad was completed in a record time of six hours. The idol was peacefully immersed in the Hussainsagar lake by 1.30 pm, which is much earlier than previous years. Around one lakh devotees participated in the grand procession, dancing and chanting. This year, the idol was immersed in the early hours instead of the evening or the next day.
The special pooja for the Ganesh began at midnight and the idol was loaded onto a trailer by 2 am. The welding works were completed by 4 am and the procession started at 7 am, reaching NTR Garden by 11 am. The final puja and dismantling of the idol took some time. Approximately 25 lakh devotees visited the pandal during the last ten days.
The early hours immersion relieved the city from the usual traffic jams caused by delayed immersions. People expressed their relief and happiness about the quick immersion of the giant idol, as it allowed other idols to be moved to the lake on time. In previous years, traffic congestion and hardships were common due to delayed immersions.
The early immersion may have initially disappointed some people, but they later realized the benefits of avoiding traffic jams. The delay in the immersion of the giant idol used to affect other immersions and cause hardships for commuters. Overall, the city experienced a huge relief from traffic congestion due to the timely completion of the Khairatabad Ganesh idol immersion.