Hyderabad: Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy held the first ‘Praja Darbar’ at his camp office-cum-official residence to listen to the grievances of the common people. The event took place at Jyotirao Phule Praja Bhavan, which was opened to the public for the first time. The Chief Minister gave priority to persons with disabilities and enquired about their problems. He promised to address the people’s grievances promptly. State ministers Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy and Seethakka also attended the ‘Praja Darbar’.
After the event, the Chief Minister went to the Secretariat for an urgent meeting while Minister Seethakka received the grievances from the attendees. The complaints included land encroachments, unemployment problems, irregularities in the Dharani portal, and non-allotment of double bedroom houses. The rush of people was heavy on the first day, with some coming with grievances and others wanting to see Praja Bhavan, which was previously inaccessible. The state government made arrangements for the ‘Praja Darbar’, including 15 desks for registration of grievances.
A special mechanism was developed for online registration of petitions, with each petition receiving a unique Grievance Number (ID). Applicants received a printed acknowledgment and an SMS confirmation. Inside the venue, 320 seats were available for attendees, and queue lines were set up outside. To protect people from the heat, a roof was set up over the queue lines. Safe drinking water and other facilities were provided at the entrance and inside the Praja Darbar hall.