A resident of Bengaluru recently shared a screenshot from the ride-hailing app Rapido on Twitter. The screenshot showed a waiting time of 225 minutes for a 45-minute auto-rickshaw ride. The user expressed frustration about the long wait time. The pick-up location was in Koramangala, the IT hub of the city. Another user sarcastically commented on the post, highlighting the chaotic traffic in Bengaluru.
Commuters in Bengaluru have been complaining about the constant gridlocks and ride cancellations during peak hours. Surge pricing is common, and it can be difficult to find a ride even with heavy traffic. In a recent incident, a man who used Rapido for his commute ended up stuck in a traffic jam, and his Apple watch mistakenly thought he was cycling. The traffic in Bengaluru can get so severe that vehicles don’t move at all. A video of a bus driver eating lunch while stuck in traffic went viral, gaining millions of views.
Additionally, a Rapido driver who misbehaved with a female passenger and harassed her over the phone has been arrested. The woman had booked a Rapido auto to go home after attending a protest, but after multiple cancellations, she decided to take a Rapido bike instead. During the ride, the driver began masturbating in an isolated area.