Police in the Karimnagar region rescued nine migrant labourers from a brick kiln in Rangapur village on Saturday. The labourers, aged between 15 and 53, come from Kendumundi village in the Balangir district of Odisha State. The police sent them back to their native village by train, as they requested.
The operation was carried out by the Crime Investigation Department, following the instructions of CID Additional DGP Mahesh M Bhagawath. The CID team, led by inspectors P Vijaykumar and B Tirupathi Reddy, included SI A Mallesham, woman ASI K Padma, and head constable Chandrashekar Rao. Peddapalli police inspector Pradeep Kumar, SI Srinivas, assistant labour officer J Ramulu, Child protection officer P Jitender, and RI tahsildar officer N Naveen Rao also participated in the operation.
The rescued labourers include Nila Barik, Lala Banuan, SupurBanuan, Nura Barik, Sima Barik, Rashmita Barik, UdianBenuan, Pushpa Benuan, and a 15-year-old minor girl.