Ramesh Chandra Ramavat from Nagarkurnool won the men’s category in the half-marathon held in Siddipet. He received a cash prize of Rs 50,000. The first runner up was Moti Choudhary from Uttar Pradesh who won Rs 25,000, and Giyo Anthony from Nagarkurnool was the second runner up.
In the women’s category, Uma from Suryapet won the first prize of Rs 50,000. Mallika from Nalgonda was the first runner up and received Rs 25,000, while Vadde Navya was the second runner up and received Rs 10,000.
In the 10k Run, Swapna Kadavat from Mahabubnagar was the winner with a cash prize of Rs 25,000. Kavya from Mancherial was the first runner up with Rs 15,000, and Gagan Sri from Hyderabad was the second runner up with Rs 10,000.
For the men’s category in the 10k Run, Sunil Kumar from Maharashtra won with a cash prize of Rs 25,000. Manish Rajputra from Maharashtra was the first runner up and received Rs 15,000, and Mahesh Salla from Nalgonda was the second runner up and received Rs 10,000.