Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot recently met with the migrant Rajasthani community, industrialists, and other stakeholders in Hyderabad. The meeting, held at Marriott Convention Center, provided a platform for gathering suggestions for the Vision-2030 document, which aims to guide the future development of Rajasthan.
Despite facing geographical challenges, Rajasthan is making rapid progress. The state government has launched “Mission-2030” to accelerate development and transform Rajasthan into a dream state. They are actively involving both residents and migrant Rajasthanis in this journey.
Chief Minister Gehlot encouraged as many people as possible to contribute their suggestions for the document through online and other means. He also acknowledged the significant contributions of Rajasthan-origin industrialists to the nation’s development. Migrant Rajasthanis like GD Birla and Jamnalal Bajaj played crucial roles in the freedom movement alongside Mahatma Gandhi. The establishment of Rajasthan Foundation during Gehlot’s first term has strengthened the bond between migrant Rajasthanis and the state.
Gehlot emphasized the government’s commitment to the welfare of all sections of society. He highlighted how Rajasthan has become a model state in healthcare, with schemes like Chiranjeevi Yojana providing free treatment and extensive health insurance coverage for a large portion of the population.
During the gathering, various individuals, including Kishan Kumawat, Dr Suman, Mukesh Jangid, Dheeraj Khaitan, Dr Vipin Goyal, and Subhash Aggarwal, shared their valuable suggestions. The event saw a significant presence of migrant Rajasthanis.