Minister for Energy Guntakandla Jagadish Reddy, along with MLAs Gadari Kishore Kumar and Pailla Shekhar Reddy, visited the Suryapet constituency on Friday to interact with local shepherds. During the visit, the minister expressed his belief that sheep rearing can provide a good source of income for shepherds.
He also highlighted the government’s efforts to support local shepherds by reducing the supply of meat from other states and assisting them in meeting local demand. The KCR government actively encourages sheep rearing in the state as a means of promoting economic growth and development.
During the visit, the minister spoke with several shepherds in Ailapuram, Chivvemla mandal, to learn about their experiences and any issues they may be facing in rearing and marketing their sheep. He also provided some helpful tips on how to improve their sheep rearing practices.
Overall, the visit was an opportunity for the minister and MLAs to connect with local shepherds and gain insight into their livelihoods. The government’s support for sheep rearing is expected to continue as part of its efforts to promote sustainable economic growth in the state.