Several voluntary organizations in Hyderabad have started relief activities to help the people affected by the recent heavy rainfall. The Samaritans for the Nation is providing support to those in Mulugu district who have lost valuable items due to the floods. They are collecting essential food items and distributing them to sustain the affected people for 15-20 days. Along with food, they are also providing medicines, masks, sanitizers, mosquito nets, and digital thermometers to prevent water-borne diseases. Temporary houses are being built with tarpaulin sheets and other necessary materials. The Relief Riders Hyderabad is also providing ration kits, sanitary products, bedsheets, and more to help the flood victims in Mulugu district. The organization is working closely with the local municipality to identify affected areas and rescue villagers. They are also arranging plates and glasses for the flood victims and accepting financial assistance from like-minded individuals.