Congress leader Rahul Gandhi recently shared a video of his interaction with motorcycle mechanics at Delhi’s Karol Bagh, calling it the “next pit stop” of the “Bharat Jodo Yatra”. In the video, Gandhi discusses his KTM390 motorcycle, which he is unable to ride due to security reasons. He also answers questions from the mechanics, including one about his marriage plans.
During his visit to the bikers’ market, Gandhi learns about bike servicing from Umed Shah, Vicky Sen, and Manoj Paswan. He emphasizes the need to empower mechanics in order to strengthen India’s automobile industry. Gandhi acknowledges the challenges faced by mechanics, such as poverty and the pressure of supporting their families. He believes that every profession, including that of mechanics, plays a crucial role in India’s progress.
Gandhi concludes by stating that mechanics deserve better facilities and opportunities. He emphasizes the importance of the well-being and prosperity of every individual and worker for the true progress of India.