The Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha have been adjourned for the fifth consecutive day without transacting any business due to uproarious scenes in the House. The latest adjournment came after members of the ruling party and opposition protested over Rahul Gandhi’s democracy remarks. As soon as the Lok Sabha assembled, Congress members trooped to the Well of the House shouting slogans and demanding that Gandhi be allowed to speak. They also demanded a joint parliamentary committee (JPC) probe into alleged stock manipulation by the Adani Group. Members of the treasury benches raised counter-slogans from their seats, demanding an apology from Gandhi for his remarks. Speaker Om Birla urged the members to allow the House to function smoothly, but the protesting members ignored his pleas and the speaker adjourned the House for the day. Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and several other Union ministers were present in the House.
During his interactions in London, Rahul Gandhi had alleged that the structures of Indian democracy are under attack and there is a “full-scale assault” on the country’s institutions. The remarks triggered a political slugfest, with the Bharatiya Janata Party accusing Gandhi of maligning India on foreign soil and seeking foreign interventions, and the Congress hitting back at the ruling party by citing instances of Prime Minister Narendra Modi raising internal politics abroad. Rajya Sabha too was adjourned till March 20 on Friday, minutes after the House convened as opposition and ruling party members created an uproar.
While the Opposition has been demanding a discussion and a joint parliamentary committee (JPC) probe into the Adani issue, BJP members are demanding an apology from Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his “democracy under threat” remarks made in London recently. Soon after the listing of papers, Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar said he had received 11 adjournment notices under Rule 267 but disallowed them. Members of the treasury benches also stood up in protest. Taking up the point of order by Kharge, the chairman directed Leader of the House Piyush Goyal to authenticate the assertions made on March 13 and 14. Amid slogan shouting, the chairman adjourned the House till Monday.