The special session of Parliament, which is scheduled to take place from September 18 to 22, will not include the question hour or private members business, according to the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha secretariats. The session will consist of five sittings, and the members will receive information about the provisional calendar separately. The Lok Sabha Secretariat announced that the Thirteenth Session of the Seventeenth Lok Sabha will begin on September 18, 2023, while the Rajya Sabha secretariat stated that the Two Hundred and Sixty First Session of the Rajya Sabha will also commence on the same day.
Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi had previously announced the “special session” but did not reveal the agenda, leading to speculation. Joshi expressed his anticipation for fruitful discussions and debates in Parliament. Typically, three parliamentary sessions are held each year – Budget, Monsoon, and Winter sessions. There is speculation that this “special session” may be the final one of the current Lok Sabha, especially since the government is setting up a high-level committee to examine and recommend simultaneous polls. Additionally, arrangements are being made for a group photo of MPs, which has further fueled speculation about a possible shift to the new parliament building.