Minister Puvvada Ajay Kumar, who is the BRS candidate for Khammam, filed his nomination in the district on Friday. He held a campaign where he sought support for the development agenda. The minister also took part in special pujas at the Ram temple in KV Banjara village, Raghunadhapalem mandal.
Puvvada expressed gratitude for the blessings that led to his previous MLA victories. He emphasized the significance of starting his campaign from this location and stated that winning twice worked for the people.
Puvvada highlighted the achievements during his tenure, declaring Raghunadhapalem mandal as a model of development. He mentioned that all village roads have been transformed into CC roads with substantial funds allocated for development over the past five years.
In response to criticisms from the Congress candidate regarding Khammam’s development, Puvvada denied the claims and credited the BRS government for the city’s progress. He assured the electorate that he is available 24 hours and has fulfilled their requests. He also stated his responsibility to protect himself.
Puvvada proudly mentioned the BRS government’s initiatives in empowering local governance by converting Thandas into Gram Panchayats. This allows communities to manage their villages independently.