The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has taken action against Gurpatwant Singh Pannu, a designated individual terrorist based in Canada. They have confiscated his house and land in Amritsar, Punjab, and Chandigarh, a Union Territory. This is a significant step towards cracking down on the terror and secessionist network operating from different countries, including Canada.
The confiscation orders were issued by the Special NIA Court in SAS Nagar, Punjab. The properties seized include a 5.7-acre agricultural land in Khankot village, Amritsar, and a one-fourth share of a house in sector 15/C area of Chandigarh. These properties were previously attached as per government orders in two separate cases. Now, they have been officially confiscated by the court under the relevant section of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). The case was registered on April 5, 2020.