In Hyderabad, a new community initiative called ‘Onamaalu’ was launched to preserve and celebrate Telugu culinary heritage. Dr. Guruva Reddy and Chief Secretary Jayesh Ranjan attended the event.
Onamaalu is more than just speeches and promises; it is a celebration of Telugu culinary traditions. The initiative aims to explore and promote the rich tapestry of Telugu cuisine, both locally and globally. With culinary tourism becoming popular worldwide, it is important to showcase the unique flavors and stories of Telugu cuisine.
The initiative plans to host culinary theaters, training sessions, and workshops focusing on different micro-cuisines of Telugu. It also aims to create a culinary museum highlighting the evolution and diversity of Telugu cuisine throughout history. Jayesh Ranjan pledged government support to facilitate collaborations between Onamaalu and culinary schools like IHM and CAI to offer job-oriented regional training opportunities.