Hyderabad: The State chief secretary, Santhi Kumari, has directed the district Collectors to educate people about sunstroke and dehydration during April and May due to high temperatures. She discussed drinking water supply, precautions for rising temperatures, school infrastructure, and paddy purchase in a video conference with district Collectors.
There is a possibility of severe heat wave conditions with temperatures up to 45 degrees in districts like Adilabad, Karimnagar, Warangal, and Khammam in the next two months. ORS packets, IV fluids, and medicines have been distributed to all districts and are available in health centers. People are advised to avoid the hot sun between 11 am and 4 pm.
Special officers will monitor fresh water supply. Collectors of Nalgonda, Suryapet, and Khammam have been instructed to release Krishna water from Nagarjuna Sagar project for drinking water purposes.
There are 7,149 centers in the State for purchasing Yasangi paddy, which will be opened in the next few days. Paddy purchases have already begun through procurement centers.